
Orlando Rasmussen Family

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “T” Dates in this Archive:
that day
that morning
that same day
The 13th
The afternoon
The day
The day of next year's
The minutes
The minutes of last year's
The next morning
The years
thirty-one years
This fall
this in the minutes
this month
this morning
this past week
this past year
this spring
this summer
this week
this year
this year of 1991
those days
those seven years
those years
Three year
three years
Thursday, June 1, 2006
Thursday, May 3, 1984
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003
Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1985
Tuesday, July 11
Tuesday, July 5th
Tuesday, June 18
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1983
twelve years old
twenty days
two days
two more years
two or three years
two weeks
two years
two years old